Disclaimer - Literature

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Dr. Alfred Förtsch

Limitation of liability for internal content
The content of my website has been compiled with care and to the best of  my knowledge. It is only possible to be liable for an infringement from  the point of being informed of the specific infringement. Upon  notification or becoming aware of any violations, the content in  question will immediately be removed.

The content of this website may be viewed, printed or downloaded for  personal, non-commercial use only. It is not to be modified, reproduced,  transmitted, published or otherwise made available in whole or in part  without my prior consent.

Data protection declaration

Responsible in the sense of the General Data Protection Regulation:
Dr. Alfred Förtsch

Exclusion of the collection of personal data
This website is intended solely for the information  of its users. I do not collect any personal data from my users to the  best of my knowledge and belief and do not receive such data by any  other means. Therefore I cannot store or pass on such data in any form.

Emails to the address in the disclaimer
If you send me an email, I may use the information  you provide for an answer. I will then delete any personal data you have  provided.
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